Thursday, October 27, 2005

I Think I May Have Been Served
T-10 or so I think

First off, thanx for the luck. It would help quite a bit. I know this is ridiculous, but The Stars Are Aligned Properly right now. I'd rather this was happening 12 months from now, or maybe 10 years ago, but unfortately (for many of us) it's right now.

Secondly, Chilly says in comments:
All right fat boy, wanna make a prop bet on the 25 lbs? I call u fat in the most loving way possible.

I could use some extra motivation.

How about $1 per pound to 25# and $10 per # after that. When I lose 30 and you lose 22 you would owe me $3 for 22-25 and $50 for 25-30.

I take payments in bacon.

I believe IT can be declared to be officially ON at this point. How do we do this? I can have a digital picture of a scale reading my weight up by midnite tomorrow (times subject to change, void where prohibited).

Or if you're too much of a fat girl to post your weight on the net (and I call you a fat girl in the most loving possible way ;-), I guess someplace like Dave and Busters or Happy Joe's will have one of those penny scales. Although we'd have to weigh on the way out, I'd imagine.

We might want to cap it at like two bills, though. That way if you gain 10 pounds (-$10) and I lose 45 (25x1 + 20x10 = +$225) your wife won't kick my ass.

This will be great. I could use the motivation, and I have all the +EV in the world here. I have extra time to exercise, and I may not be able to afford food soon.

And of course, if I lose, you could probably use the bacon.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Goal-Setting: T-11(ish) and counting

Okay, Chilly, you want more posts? Check this out, two for two this week.

It's amazing how much more writing you do when you're not playing poker.

This is a quick one, but something I wanted to get down while it's fresh. It's subject to change without notice, void where prohibited by law. Anyway, without further ado:

Goals For The Immediate Future

  • Increase bankroll to $5000 by 2005-12-31. Is this realistic? I'm not sure, but I'll do some math later and possibly change it then.

  • Lose 25 pounds by 2005-12-31. This should be possible, right? No job means no excuses. I'll be under constant pressure from friends, I'll hardly be able to avoid working out three times per week.

  • Quit smoking. This is probably the one I think I'll have the most trouble with. I'm embarrassed to admit how many times I've blown it. I think I may have a workable strategy this time, but there's really only one way to find out. Empiricism can be a bitch.

  • Blog more. Develop a style. Learn to type what I'm thinking before I've thought of all the reasons not to. For the next few months, strive for quantity over quality, and decide what works along the way.

There's more, in fact I may make a new post with a completely different list, in a few days. A couple people have asked me about my goals, and it has kind of resonated with a post (which I hope to find and link to later) and the multiple bloggers talking about goals recently. I wanted to type up an initial list, and this seemed as good a place as any.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog or RSS reader.

The First Important Post In This Blog

"So, this is it," I thought to myself as I unlocked the front door. The day of The Big Announcement had finally arrived.

Of course, it wasn't a Big Announcement to my roommates. It wasn't even really an announcement, they've known for weeks. Here in the blog I've been delaying, teasing, and avoiding the Big Announcement for so long that I finally stopped posting just to stop talking about it. What can I say? I'm going to go on record as saying that I may yet become known as the Slowest Blogger Ever.

I wasn't expecting much from the roommates, to be honest, but I'd hoped for more than I got. An empty mansion greeted me. Well, two cats greeted, and my cat was doubtlessly asleep in bed upstairs. All (empty mansion included) displayed the indifference to my happy news that I had expected.

Saturday night we held the 160 Zillion Dollar Championship here at The Mansion Casino. I should note that this has little to do with The Big Announcement, but I mention it as the semi-interesting poker-related news. I didn't really pay as much attention as I should have, took no notes whatsoever, and folded The Hammer UTG on the first hand. I'm pretty much a disgrace to the blogger community. In general, however, I played better than I've ever played.

CC#9, our only n00b in the championship, went out first unfortunately. He overplayed top pair, a common mistake, but he seemed to have a good time and I think he'll be willing to play again. He certainly seems like the type who'll pick up the game pretty quickly, and former RPG'ers can bluff with the best of them.

Next out was Sport, probably our second-best female player, who just couldn't seem to get in the groove all night. She'll also be back, doubtlessly, although we may yet convince her to wear a sexy dealer outfit and deal the whole night. Hmm.... maybe if put up her buy-in for the game.

The Spoiled Brat (that's my wife, her nickname not mine) may have gone out next. She was distracted by Somebody Else's Problem (an NPC who showed up early in the game unexpectedly) and tried to pick off a bluff that wasn't a bluff. She'll get lucky sometime, but the big field and constant distractions hurt her focus too much.

Nickname was out fourth, an ignomious end for our leader in ITMs for the 160 Zillion Dollar Challenge. He had a bad case of second-best-itis all night and chipped down into the danger zone. He ended up all-in against a worse hand twice, splitting one and losing the second to put him out.

Next out was DD, my aerodynamically curvaceous roommate whose Official Nickname escapes me for he moment. She's another near-beginner, and still has a tendency to see too many flops and fold to weak bets. She was lower in chips than Tophatronic, my other roommate and her husband, so he was technically out next. I sucked them both out of the tournament on my one lucky catch in The Duff Light Hand of the Championship.

I was in the BB, Toph, DD, BMW and Dealer (his name, not the button) limp to me, and I look down to find 66. I've built up a pretty good chip stack at this point, and the blinds were high enough to put a lot of money in the pot. I had everyone but Toph covered by a good margin. Toph is generally weak and will fold rather than coinflip, and I was more than willing to flip anyone else for their stack to push myself into the chip lead. After a quick look at BMW and Dealer to make sure they aren't looking tricky, I went all-in.

I knew I was in trouble when Toph called immediately. DD called the rest of her stack, which was not terribly much at this point, and the others layed it down as expected. "All I've got is sixes," I say, flipping them up. I'm looking at Toph's cards, because I know it's an overpair, and sure enough he flips cowboys. Meg has A7, so we do have a horserace, but I'm pretty much dead to a 6 here.

"Nice limp under the gun with kings," I say to my roommate.

"Um, I was in the big blind," he says. "I was about to make a raise myself." I look down at the deck and realize he's right. I had put in the wrong blind, and hadn't even glanced at him. He'd been playing tight-agressive all night and I was sure he hadn't limped with a big hand. Well, he hadn't. Limped, that is.

"I'd like to see a six on the flop," I close my eyes and say to no one in particular. "Maybe the second card."

I open my eyes to see the six of spades in the middle of the flop. I had caught the antichrist. No one else improved, Toph turned out to be just slightly behind me in chips, and I doubled up and took a commanding chip lead.

The rest of the tournament was a cakewalk. While most of our best players were left, none of them had seen me with a big chip stack for a while, and none of them had ever really managed to counter it very effectively. Professer took out Dealer in fifth, giving him second chip lead.

We spent a long time on the bubble, with me bullying and buying blinds and orphaned pots and Professer picking up the slack when I folded my crap hands. KareBear doubled BMW up when he won a race with sailboats, then I did the same for her when she picked them up the next hand. KareBear ended up all-in in the blinds three more times waiting for the perfect hand to come, but it never did and she eventually bubbled out. A close call for our second in ITMs and perhaps the tables most dangerous threat.

From there I bullied my way to the title. BMW had some play left, but couldn't catch cards at the right time. I called his post-flop all-in with a flush draw and gutshot and hit the spade on the river to knock him out.

At this point I had a massive chip-lead on the Professer and he had to fold too often to my raises on marginal hands. Eventually I whittled him down until I could afford to double him up if need be and just started pushing blind. The third time, he called with KJo to my Q5o. He flopped top pair with a J, but I caught a backdoor flush with the queen of hearts to knock him out in second and take the title.

I don't want to make a big deal about it, but the game meant a lot to me, and so does the win. Thanks to everyone who made it, and to anyone who couldn't we'll keep having The 160 Zillion Dollar Challenge every few weeks for as long as my roommates let me. Details available upon request.

Meanwhile, back in the present, I awoke from my nap before the wretched alarm. I went downstairs and loaded the dishwasher before I went upstairs to tell the roommates. "I talked to my boss today," I said by way of greeting. "He sayeth unto me, 'November Ninth'."

"That's Kristeen Young's old band," Toph tells me.

"Also my last day of work. It would have been November 6, but this person is out, then that person is out, so we can't get it accomplished until the next Tuesday." This has been one of my biggest complaints about the place. It takes forever to get anything done. Everyone in management jealously guards their power by refusing to delegate, but is frequently out of the office, so nothing ever gets accomplished.

I explained all this to my boss in my resignation letter. I had given it to him six weeks ago. The reason I was still working at all is a whole 'nother story. Maybe later. For now, there is only one point.

The Big Announcement

As of November 10, 2005, I will be playing poker professionally.

I'm sure I'll talk more about this. Let the beratings commence.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Slowest. Blogger. Ever.

I even procrastinate slowly. When I get around to it at all.
Poker Championship

I have registered to play in the
Online Poker Blogger Championship!

This event is powered by PokerStars.

Registration code: 4010910

I hope PokerStars doesn't disqualify me because I let my blog slide for a week or two between posts. I promise, I'll be back with more soon. Going camping in Meramec State Park tonight, as this may be the last weekend with weather this sweet in 2005. Sunday night The Decembrists show. Tuesday night MC Chris. And Wednesday is Suicide Girls Burlesque show at Pop's. Busy week, plus I promised I'd post some con pics, and I may even want to talk about poker again someday.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Fat Man Walks At Midnight

Just a quick one today, but I had to pass on this link from my favorite economics blog1 about Sumo In Vegas. I should point out that I know less than nothing about sumo, but the story is that sumo wrestlers will conspire amongst themselves to fix matches, often letting a wrestler with a less winning record win. The money quote:
Remember: if on the last match of the tournament, you have a chance to bet on a 7-7 wrestler who is facing an 8-6 or 9-5 wrestler, do it.

Just wanted to get that out there in case anyone is going to be at Mandalay Bay this weekend. For everyone else who feels I've wasted your time, here's a riddle for you: What do you get when you cross a python with an alligator2?

1Note: Also the only economics blog I read.
2Answer: A very cross python.