Thursday, October 27, 2005

I Think I May Have Been Served
T-10 or so I think

First off, thanx for the luck. It would help quite a bit. I know this is ridiculous, but The Stars Are Aligned Properly right now. I'd rather this was happening 12 months from now, or maybe 10 years ago, but unfortately (for many of us) it's right now.

Secondly, Chilly says in comments:
All right fat boy, wanna make a prop bet on the 25 lbs? I call u fat in the most loving way possible.

I could use some extra motivation.

How about $1 per pound to 25# and $10 per # after that. When I lose 30 and you lose 22 you would owe me $3 for 22-25 and $50 for 25-30.

I take payments in bacon.

I believe IT can be declared to be officially ON at this point. How do we do this? I can have a digital picture of a scale reading my weight up by midnite tomorrow (times subject to change, void where prohibited).

Or if you're too much of a fat girl to post your weight on the net (and I call you a fat girl in the most loving possible way ;-), I guess someplace like Dave and Busters or Happy Joe's will have one of those penny scales. Although we'd have to weigh on the way out, I'd imagine.

We might want to cap it at like two bills, though. That way if you gain 10 pounds (-$10) and I lose 45 (25x1 + 20x10 = +$225) your wife won't kick my ass.

This will be great. I could use the motivation, and I have all the +EV in the world here. I have extra time to exercise, and I may not be able to afford food soon.

And of course, if I lose, you could probably use the bacon.


At 10:49 AM, Blogger Bill said...

Last I checked 272. But I have been on a binge latley (Halloween you know) so its likely 275 by now.

You are right, we have to make this a fair fight.

1. Certify starting weights.
2. Competition Starts on weight certification day.
3. Contest ends 12/31/05 or when we can weigh in.
4. Payments - I suggest transfers to Party accounts.
5. Stakes - The $200 cap is fine. I don't want to bust a professional poker player right out of the gate.
6. I claim exclusive use of BadBlood as an advisor.

Ready, set, Puke!

Cross posted to my blog.


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