Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Goal-Setting: T-11(ish) and counting

Okay, Chilly, you want more posts? Check this out, two for two this week.

It's amazing how much more writing you do when you're not playing poker.

This is a quick one, but something I wanted to get down while it's fresh. It's subject to change without notice, void where prohibited by law. Anyway, without further ado:

Goals For The Immediate Future

  • Increase bankroll to $5000 by 2005-12-31. Is this realistic? I'm not sure, but I'll do some math later and possibly change it then.

  • Lose 25 pounds by 2005-12-31. This should be possible, right? No job means no excuses. I'll be under constant pressure from friends, I'll hardly be able to avoid working out three times per week.

  • Quit smoking. This is probably the one I think I'll have the most trouble with. I'm embarrassed to admit how many times I've blown it. I think I may have a workable strategy this time, but there's really only one way to find out. Empiricism can be a bitch.

  • Blog more. Develop a style. Learn to type what I'm thinking before I've thought of all the reasons not to. For the next few months, strive for quantity over quality, and decide what works along the way.

There's more, in fact I may make a new post with a completely different list, in a few days. A couple people have asked me about my goals, and it has kind of resonated with a post (which I hope to find and link to later) and the multiple bloggers talking about goals recently. I wanted to type up an initial list, and this seemed as good a place as any.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog or RSS reader.


At 12:53 AM, Blogger Bill said...

All right fat boy, wanna make a prop bet on the 25 lbs? I call u fat in the most loving way possible.

I could use some extra motivation.

How about $1 per pound to 25# and $10 per # after that. When I lose 30 and you lose 22 you would owe me $3 for 22-25 and $50 for 25-30.

I take payments in bacon.


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