Thursday, September 01, 2005

Looks Like We Made It

A month or so back, I caught a G-Rob post at Up For Poker trashing my hometown and its poker bloggers. Now, trashing my home town I have no problem with; over the years, I have variously referred to this place as St. Lousy, The Black Hole of the Midwest, and Humidity City, so I'm not stranger to that. But if you start trashing my town's poker bloggers, then I start getting... well, surprised, mostly. I didn't know my town had any poker bloggers. Well, other than me, and given the quality and quantity of my output, not to mention the state of my bankroll, I'm not sure that I qualify in either respect.

It didn't take long for me to peg Chilly at IDSN as the leader of this ragtag band of locals, at least in terms of blogging. He even had a blogroll just for poker bloggers who were "Born, Lived, or Imprisoned in the'Lou". (Wow, there's just no grammatical way to include that in a sentence, is there?) "Obviously," I thought to myself, "I needed to get myself on that."

Now a less sophisticated (or less procrastinatory) blogger might have just dropped him a comment or an email or something, saying, "Hey, look, I'm trapped in the same hole you are!" But not me. "Too easy," I think to myself. So I bided my time. I read the blogs, I studied every move they made, and I honed my skills. I waited patiently until the moment that I had written something worth reading. I figured that if I was going to have guests, I probably ought to clean the place up a little bit... or at least buy a chair.

Then I blew it all for a Peanut Butter, Bacon and Egg sandwich.

Almost immediately, Chilly dropped a few nice comments on me (despite the obvious lack of interesting content), forcing me to edit yesterday's post to reflect the additional reader I had acquired. He added me to the blogroll too, and even pimped my rideblog. And now, thanks to Chilly, I have officially acquired my first comment spam.

I don't know if anyone but Chilly, Scurvy and Joule_e are reading this, but it no longer matters. As far as I'm concerned, once you get comment spam, you are officially a blogger.

Anyway, if you followed Chilly's link expecting this to be more interested (or appetizing) than his recipes... well, sorry, but there's some things with which I am ill-equipped to compete. If you're looking for interesting posts on NL strategy, get back to his blog for a nice piece that builds on Phil Gordon's player levels. And if you're looking for fiberglass car kits... well, sorry, but just because I was excited by my comment spam doesn't mean I didn't delete it.


At 6:18 PM, Blogger Bill said...

First, what is Radio Dada?

Second, do you have interest in our homegames?

Third, do you play at any of the local card rooms?

Fourth, and most importantly, what are you willing to do to bring down G-Vegas?


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