Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hey, Everybody Wants To Pass As Cats

I was actually in the process of writing a long, introspective entry on the advantages of having a blog that no one actually reads when I noticed that ScurvyDog had actually left a comment. Less that 10 clicks later, I determined that I had failed to set it up to email comments to myself. Bad Captain, no biscuit for you.

Somehow, almost immediately, all those advantages I had started to write about seemed incredibly unimportant. Upon re-reading, every paragraph I had written screamed, "Fuck it, those grapes are sour anyway." I guess it's only human to appreciate attention. "We all want to be big big stars, but we get all fucked up about that."

I kind of feel bad too. I had offered to help Scurvy with BonusBug, a site he set up to announce and discuss poker and casino bonuses. Then this whole house thing came up, with all the attendant time-suckage, and I never even got to look at the code. For what it's worth, if you're reading this and interested in free money, you ought to check it out... it's already better designed and more informative than bonuswhores. Hopefully in a month or so, once life settles down a bit, I'll be able to help him add some of the super-k-rad-nifty features we talked about and it will be better still.

To answer your question, Scurvy, we don't own the house... at least, not yet. The owner (and our landlord) did a pretty half-assed job of fixing the place up sometime in the mid 1970's and really hasn't put any work into it since. This would be fine, except that he's asking $600K for the place, which is the top of the price range for the nicer houses on the block. So for now, we rent.

Once we get some furniture in the right spots and there's at least ten square feet of floor space not covered by cardboard, I'll get some pictures of the inside up, but it's pretty amazing. Legend has it that it was used as the Italian Consulate during the 1904 World's Fair, and has been both a brothel and an illegal casino at various times throughout the last 100 years. If things work out such that we're still living there in a few years, I'm definitely going to start looking for ways we can talk the landlord into selling. While it needs quite a bit of work, it feels nicer than anywhere else I've ever lived.

I'm told that once you go mansion, you never go back.

Returning to the question of readership, I suppose I ought to just give in and admit that I wish there were more people reading this drivel. Of course, there's no one to blame but myself and my laziness there. It's not enough to Build It and hope that They Come. The closest I've come to publicizing this space is a few comments in other people's blogs with the URL, and telling my friends who are too busy to read anything that doesn't show up on their LiveJournal Friends Page.

Sigh. I guess that means I'm going to have to do some work around here.

So, coming soon to a blog near you: an actual blog-roll with a few (for starters) of my favorite feeds. A hit-counter or something so I know if anyone actually shows up. Some linkage for some recently-discovered local peeps. And a special request involving The Hammer. If all of that doesn't bring in an eyeball or two, I'll just go back to writing the post on The Advantages Of Being Alone.


At 9:39 AM, Blogger ScurvyDog said...

No worries, matey. I'm perpetually slacking and ignoring approximately eighteen other projects at any given time. Whenever anything gets done on BunsBug, cool. If it don't get done, that's cool, too.

It sounds reductive but the best way to get lots of readers is to post a lot. Which seems pointless, if no one is reading, but if you post regularly then readers will follow.

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Bill said...

Comment and they will come. See, it worked with me.


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