Thursday, January 05, 2006

Girls Are Bad Mojo

I've known for a long time why the pros say that drinking and poker don't mix. And it occasionally occurs to me that girls and poker don't mix*. But tonight I'd been out drinking with a girl until, um, a little late. Then I outlined the first couple acts of a Science Fiction Masterpiece**. Then I spent about two hours drinking bourbon and thinking about a girl. And blowing through $150 on a shorthanded 3/6 table at Full Tilt.

For the record, Drinking plus Girls is also not conducive to poker. And I don't even particularly like bourbon. The only reason I'm drinking it is that somebody bought me this cool-ass hip flask, and I couldn't bring myself to put vodka in it. I filled it with Maker's Mark, because it seemed appropriate and had been recommended by the person who gave it to me.

Need I mention that this person is also a girl?

I rest my case.

Whatever it was.

*If I actually have any female readers, don't get offended. I don't mean that you can't play poker. I just mean that I can't think about you while I'm playing poker. I learned to play poker online, so I try to envision you all, male and female alike, as pixels.
**No kidding.
And dear lord it felt good.
I suppose this should have been intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. Come to think of it, it was.
I just can't see a Russian carrying around a metal hip flask. I mean, it would get cold, right? Like, really cold.


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